Investment updates
Investment updates
Investment briefing
Every Flavour Beans
A man once sat on a bench externalising his thought process, reminiscing on the advice his mother gave him: ‘life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get’. Admittedly, this was a movie, and the man was the fictitious Forrest Gump, but his mother was right; in a lifetime of unpredictability, Masters of Destiny are often disappointed.
Investment updates
Investment briefing
Katana & Wakizashi
Once again, the price of bitcoin is on the tear, encouraged by the launch of SEC-registered exchange traded funds, led by BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust. That, a cap on interest rate rises (making risk assets more attractive versus plain old cash) , the ubiquitous ‘halving’ event (which cuts the reward for mining Bitcoin transactions in half, artificially reducing new supply at roughly four-year intervals) and rumours of potential Russian sanctions dodging, have propelled the cryptocurrency to new highs.
Online registrations are now open for the upcoming FIM Capital Harbour 2 Harbour Sponsored Walk, which will take place on Sunday 5th May.