Investment briefing
Cast your minds back to 2014, when the Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico, burdened by a chronic budget deficit, spooked the US municipal bond market by passing legislation to restructure some of its enormous $73bn debt pile. US Municipal Bond ETFs reeled and wider markets were spooked, the country’s debt downgraded to ‘junk’ status.
Investment briefing
Every Flavour Beans
A man once sat on a bench externalising his thought process, reminiscing on the advice his mother gave him: ‘life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get’. Admittedly, this was a movie, and the man was the fictitious Forrest Gump, but his mother was right; in a lifetime of unpredictability, Masters of Destiny are often disappointed.
Investment briefing
World markets have experienced one of their most turbulent quarters in recent history. Coming so soon after the trauma of a global pandemic, the impact of events in Ukraine seems that much worse.